Our Declaration of Independence says our Rights are not a gift from government but received from our Creator and belong to each of us and to each of us alone!
But rights are denied to those who have no idea how to use the Rules of Court, innocent people losing their liberty, their children, their property, and their faith in the Principles of Justice that once united us as a People and a Nation.
In-Justice is America's #1 Problem.
Free Legal Education is The Cure!
American Justice Foundation® has provided Justice Education for the past 28 years with its associated websites, helping tens of thousands to learn the Rules that make Peace and Prosperity possible for EVERYONE.
We teach the Rules you were never taught ... Rules you had a God-given Right to know but were denied by politicians who control your schools !
Knowing how to use the Rules to get Justice is your #1 Right
Contact us to learn more.
866-LAW-EASY (866-529-3279)